Justin Gifford


Professor of American Literature at the University of Nevada, Reno


Author of Revolution or Death: The Life of Eldridge CleaverStreet Poison: The Biography of Iceberg Slim, and Pimping Fictions


Teacher of Literature at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center

Praise for Revolution or Death: The Life of Eldridge Cleaver

“A searching biography of the Black Panther leader who ‘was a man of seemingly irreconcilable contradictions’ . . . An illuminating study of a complex, memorable historical figure.”

–Kirkus Reviews, starred review


Eldridge Cleaver in Exile

In the summer of 1969, Eldridge Cleaver, on the run from the FBI, arrived in Algiers as a fugitive. 50 years later, Justin Gifford traveled to North Africa to uncover his life and legacy.

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